Monday, July 27, 2009

Model stats in check

Both kids had their wellness visits today. Carter his 3 year and Campbell her 18 month. Campbell still is a skinny Minnie but she is gaining and is staying on the charts so no one is worried. Her weight is 22 lbs. 4 oz. which is the 20th% but her length is 33.5 in. which is the 90th%. I would love for her to wear my wedding dress but she may be too tall for it when the time comes :o) Her head is 18 in. which is the 50th%. She got 3 shots today and wasn't too happy about it. But once I picked her up she was fine. Also, they checked Campbell's iron level to see if she might be anemic. Apparently children that put everything in their mouths have a chance of being anemic. Campbell's iron was fine though - obviously she just likes to eat dirt, dog food, etc.! Carter did well as usual. He is 36 lbs. which puts him in the 75th% and his height is almost off the charts at 3 ft. 4.75 in. which is the 95th%. This was the first time he got his blood pressure taken which was perfect. He did get one shot and didn't even whimper, he flinched but was more interested in seeing what kind of band-aid he got than anything! Carter loves band-aids! I think that's why when he gets hurt, he's not too concerned because he gets a band-aid! I continue to be thankful for healthy children!

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