Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Campbell turns 2

On January 2nd, little Miss Campbell turned 2! My how 2 years have flown by. Seems like just yesterday we were introducing her to Carter and now they are fast learning their roles as siblings! To say that Campbell keeps us on our toes is an understatement. Campbell does everything that Carter did not, including things like eating dog food and taking diapers off at nap time! We love you Campbell and we look forward to all the many adventures that are in store for you . . . and us! We had a nice family day celebrating Campbell's 2 years. My parents, along with my brother's family came over for the day while also Brandon's mom was down here visiting for the week. Campbell is a pro at opening gifts but I think the highlight for her was eating cake! She kept saying, "cake" every time we would mention it or she saw it. What will 2010 hold from our little drama queen - we shall see!

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1 comment:

Hollie and Janie said...

so cute!! i love her birthday outfit!! i'm guessing you made the cake and the outfit and both are just precious!!