Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas recap

I am so behind on getting Christmas pictures on the blog. The last 2 weeks of December were a long one. Carter was sick for 2 days, followed by Campbell having a touch of sickness, followed by Brandon having a week of sickness and Christmas was in between. Thank you Lord for sparing me and giving me the energy to clean up after everyone! Then came New Year's, Campbell's 2nd birthday, and the grand finale of Carter turning blue on a Sunday morning and after visiting a doctor's office then a hospital for x-rays it was confirmed he has pneumonia! Odd thing is, the only symptom he had was turning blue. He was acting normal, no fever, no cough, no wheezing, no sniffle, no pain, no choking, absolutely nothing! Apparently we caught his double pneumonia very early and fortunately we didn't have to make a mad dash to the ER in the middle of the night. But wow, how am I ever going to know when the child is sick!
Trying to get a picture of the kids on Christmas Eve . . . impossible!
But by themselves is a little easier!
Carter - Christmas Eve 2009
Campbell - Christmas Eve 2009

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Gosh, you did have a rough holiday didn't you? I hope everyone is finally feeling better now!

P.S. I totally know how you feel about having a hard time getting decent Christmas pics of the kids. That was my life story this year!