Saturday, October 4, 2008

9 month stats

Weight: 16 lbs 15.4 oz. (every little bit counts) 25th%
Height: 28 1/4 inches 75th%
Head: 17.5 inches 65th%
Campbell had her 9 month appointment yesterday. Yippee for better weight gain! Last time she was in the 8th% so they are very happy with her weight now. Looks like all that butter in her food worked! Both kids got flu shots and did well so hopefully they will stay pretty healthy over the winter. Campbell's first year is truly flying by. She is crawling everywhere (mostly an Army crawl), she has 2 more teeth coming in, eats everything I make for her including spinach, broccoli, zucchini, squash and even okra, eats Cheerios like a champ and loves to wave and play Patty Cake. I really wish I could make time stand still some days!
Carter is doing great in school; from what we have been told. He really enjoys it and every Tuesday/Thursday on our way to school he says, "I'm going to church . . . nooooo . . . schoooooool, yayyyyyy!" He is going to church, his school is at our church! Maybe he actually knows the difference between a Tues/Thurs. vs Sunday?! He is learning all kinds of things at school, the alphabet, weather, numbers, songs, more words than we can count, he is speaking is full sentences and he is even learning some things that are rather new to us. I will spare the details on that one . . . let's just say in a class of 10 boys there seem to be discussions between them about certain parts of their body!!!! I thought we had a couple of years before we got in to this adventure!

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