Monday, July 26, 2010

What can happen!

This is what happens when I leave a mischievous 2.5 year old unsupervised for a few minutes to do her laundry! Thanks to this little episode she now has stained clothes and I have a stained shower floor! Just today, while I was tending to her sick brother, she decided to get the baby powder out of her top drawer and cover herself in powder! Just remember sweet Campbell, you will probably have a little girl one day just like youself! Payback is coming!


CreationsForEleanor said...

I just found your blog through Jenna's blog hop. What I immediately loved is that I made my daughter a pillowcase dress out of the exact same fabric as your daughters in your header picture. I love the fringe, I may put that to play in her next dress.

The Van Ordens said...

How funny that you made the same dress with the same fabric. I LOVE that fabric!

Kris said...

Enjoyed looking at your blog! You have a beautiful family :)

Amanda said...

I found you through the blog hop! Little kids always manage to find a way to entertain themselves. My sister covered herself in lipstick. Everyone thought she was bleeding at first! It was funny once we realized what happened!

Jennifer said...

Here from the blog hop! I was laughing so hard at that picture. I have a 3.5 month old... so I know my times coming! Ha!