Monday, March 1, 2010

The season of baseball

Carter trying on his uniform and being oh so silly! To this he said, "Look Mommy, I am a table!"
Carter's first year of baseball has started. Really it is t-ball but they don't always use a tee. They throw them 6 pitches and if they don't hit it, they bring out the tee. There are 7 boys on Carter's team, everyone hits and runs the bases, no one gets out, and they don't keep score. The next league up, all the competitiveness starts. Carter is really enjoying it. He can hit the ball but fielding is another story. We are also practicing running the bases. On Saturday they had a scrimmage and one time when Carter was on 3rd and was to run home, he ran across the field to 1st! We get many laughs at our children's expense! His uniform is HUGE; really I think 2 or 3 of Carter could fit in it and it is the smallest size they make! It is cute though! It has been so cold I haven't taken any pictures yet. Soon though there will be many pictures. Opening day is in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

Tiffany Phillips said...

Aww...sounds like he is really enjoying it...that is so great!! :)