Loves jumping

Most Fridays we spend time at the pool. Actually we spend at least 2 days during the week at the pool but the act of putting on sunscreen on 1 squirmy 17 month old gets tiring. Thankfully Carter cooperates with the sunscreen on most days! Carter is doing great at the pool this year. He is attached to the floaties but I don't blow them up all the way, so he has to swim. He kicks his legs and moves his arms but it still a little less confident without the floaties. He can do the kick board all by himself so there is progress. I am thinking maybe by the end of summer he will be able to swim without the floaties! Campbell on the other hand, just thinks she can swim! She sits at the steps and blows bubbles and wants to drink the water. She wants to be out in the middle of the pool without a float and wants me to take her out there but once there wants to let go! The child has no fear; especially since she loves to climb on the kitchen table. I guess I am going to have to put the kitchen chairs in the garage! Unless I am holding her, she makes a bee line to the chairs to climb on the table! Ahhh sweet, beautiful Campbell is so strong-willed! I hear she gets that from her sweet mama but I refuse to believe it!
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