Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Campbell turns 1

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Is it really possible that a year has come and gone in the blink of an eye?! Campbell turned 1 on January 2nd. It also amazes me how much children can learn in 365 days! Campbell can do so many things. She is a master at crawling and can even stand all by herself without holding on to anything. She has incredible balance; maybe she will be a ballerina; but hasn't taken a step on her own yet. She'll get there! She has 8 teeth and loves Cheerios! She can say "Dada" and "Bye bye." She can wave, blow kisses, play peek-a-boo and the sign for milk. We are working on getting her to drink milk out of a sippy cup but right now, milk from a sippy cup seems totally foreign to her! Campbell is very dramatic; I hear this is payback! She can throw a royal fit and has the highest, shrieking shrill I think I have ever heard! She sure does enjoy being heard! Most of the time she and Carter get along unless she decides to take his train set apart or play with his cars. Her hair is slowly growing on top but continues to get more curly on the bottom. Wow, what a year!
Happy Birthday baby girl!

1 comment:

Lacy said...

These pictures are so cute. We really enjoyed spending Campbell's 1st Birthday weekend with ya'll.