Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2nd Snow

Uncle Kirk and Aunt Lacy

Carter and Campbell had a fun weekend with their 2nd snow arriving on Saturday! We bundled Campbell up for a picture, she of course slept the whole time. Carter had fun playing in the snow and we literally had to drag him inside! This child LOVES being outside. My brother, Kirk and his wife Lacy came over on Saturday to meet Campbell for the 1st time. They are expecting their 1st baby in July! I tired to get my brother to practice changing diapers but he passed on the offer! Campbell is doing well. Although, she has a hard time sleeping in the wee hours of the morning!


Mandy said...

Your brother...having a baby? Not possible... how exciting though to become an aunt!!!

Landrum Family said...

Campbell is gorgeous! How is big brother adjusting?