Campbell Elizabeth Van
Orden arrived Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 3:51 pm via a scheduled induction. She was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20.5 inches long! The
induction was scheduled for 7:30 am. At 8 am they started IV fluids and
Pitocin. It took a while for me to feel the contractions and at 1 pm and being 4 cm dilated I decided it was time for the Epidural. The Epidural only took on the right side so my left side was still feeling the not so pleasant contractions! After going through 2 hours of various medicines my left side was starting to get a little more numb. While I could still feel it, it wasn't very painful. The nursed checked me at 3 pm and said I was 6.5 cm and we should expect to dilate 1 cm per hour. By 3:30 pm I was feeling an extreme amount of pain on my left side, the
anaesthesiologist came in, once again gave me more medicine. While all this medicine helped the left side, it made the right side even more numb! The nurse was a little curious as to why I was feeling so much pain so she decided to check me . . . I was 10 cm and ready to push! Oh wow! She was shocked and told me not to move, or even laugh
because the baby was right there and she was running to call the doctor! Once the nurse got back she wanted me to push some and after 3 pushes she told me not to move! The Dr. came in, I pushed once and Miss Campbell was here! So after, 8 hours of labor and only 10 minutes of pushing we had a beautiful baby girl! Campbell is doing great! We have been home since Friday and she has been sleeping most of that time. She wakes every 3 hours to eat and then usually goes back to sleep. She is doing the same at night so we are getting some sleep. Carter is doing really well with her as well; he wants to hold her all the time and is so sweet with her. He can only take her in 2 minute time spans and then he wants to move on the something else! We are so thankful to have 2 beautiful and healthy children! God truly is good!